to gain and enhance new intercultural skills of the participants, disadvantaged with fewer opportunities, developing a deeper understanding about Europe’s cultural diversity nowadays and reinforcing their key competencies through intercultural & art sessions and workshops, in order to empower them for being active European citizens.
This will also allow youth to participate actively in recognizing and developing their own strengths in the subject; identifying and sustaining their own lines of enquiry. This project works towards being a toolkit for such work to be implemented as an ongoing success project.
Six participants per partner aged 18-28, especially those with fewer opportunities or coming from disadvantaged families are the target group, working under the methods and activities of non-formal learning.
This project promises not only to enhance but also to broaden the horizons along with creating a space of dignity to be accepted in social inclusion within the diverse community. This will indeed empower the youth’s intercultural skills which will be acknowledged with the society’s cohesion.
•To produce and share findings as active European citizens
•Improve the youth’s key competences and skills of the youth, and especially their intercultural competences.
•Enhance youth’s competences in international work and working in intercultural settings, improving their communicative skills in English, as they come from different backgrounds and various European organizations.
•Increase the intercultural awareness of youngsters, in order to eliminate xenophobia, discrimination, violence and racism.
•Make young people aware of the situation of the refugees and migrants, respect the “culture different” and empower them with values: solidarity, human rights.
•Plan common international youth encounters and activities of non formal learning for young people, for youth empowerment, personal and social development.
•Motivate-activate youth in Art workshops increasing their art, social and intercultural competences, culture awareness and expression.
•Empower and provide the youth with intercultural skills, who will then disseminate their expertise to other youngsters in their countries and improve the quality of work in their organization.
• An APV meeting with the leaders of the YE will take place in order to prepare and plan activities & workshops in the best way.
• Youth exchange: Ice-breaking activities & team-building activities, discussions on national stereotypes, outdoor activities and games, games -role-playing on human rights, cultural visit to museum, visit to the intercultural mobile -school, interactive activities, round table discussion with local authors, meeting with the local council, intercultural nights and art workshops. All the activities include the youngsters’ active participation during the preparation, implementation, evaluation, dissemination and follow-up of the Project.
Throughout the youth exchange’s activities and workshops, the participants- especially youngsters with fewer opportunities- aged 18-26- will witness the benefits of collaboration, non-formal learning, team work, simulation activities and peer learning.
•Strengthening their emotional skills (self confidence, self esteem), personal development, and social skills and broadening their horizons.
•Increasing culture awareness and expression of interest in cultural diversity.
•Strengthening their active participation and being familiar with the use of the activities of non formal learning. They will build on individual people skills, discussing and working in mixed international groups being able to present their opinion and work to the public, increase their communication skills in English language & enhancing their intercultural awareness.
Promotion materials including projects’ logos- sustainable ecological cups -, a short video to be produced about the project and it’s findings, a blog with the participants’ experiences and photos, creation the Institute’s calendar of 2020 year with one month devoted to this project.
-We firmly believe the youth will gain much related skills in intercultural dialogue, respect the diversity, will increase their collaborative skills working in mixed international groups. We do expect the youth to inform and share the gained personal added experience to other people, returning back to their respective countries.