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Art Workshop Day-Sharing Solidarity

The last day with activities started with two energizers by the Greek group. After them the Greek coordinator presented to the whole group the Erasmus+ Project, the Key Actions of Erasmus+, its aims, objectives and principles through interactive videos. The Youthpass was also presented through videos and an original Youthpass was shown to the participants, the benefits of having this certificate were analyzed and the key competencies of Erasmus+ acquired by the participants were discovered through reflection.

Then the final evaluation of the project took place. This happened by two ways; the first one was removing the post-its with expectations, fears and contributions of the first day activity that did not occured. As more green papers with expectations than red papers with fears remained on the flip-chart the Youth Exchange was thought as successful. Afterwards, a written evaluation took place so that the coordinators could improve themselves in the next project. The next activity was the secret friend revealing. There each participant discovered who was his/her secret friend of the whole Youth Exchange.

After the coffee break the participants prepared themselves quickly in order to present their art workshops in the center of Patras. The participants started their presentation with the flashmob on Riga Feraiou street, where they walked the pedestrian road from the hotel to Georgiou square holding a piece of clothe with the moto “All the same – All United” written on it. The youngsters were walking on the pedestrian road singing and shouting for the equality of all people sharing solidarity with the local community of Patras. People who were passing from the center of Patras, who were drinking coffee in the café, tourists and shop owners were really astonished by the young people and the message they were sharing with the local community. After having reached Georgiou square, the participants danced altogether Kalamatiano and Syrtaki forming a large circle in the center of the square. The people were again amazed how the youngsters from 6 different countries were united and learned to dance traditional Greek dances. Finally, the painting group continued with the body painting by painting with body colors the faces, arms and legs of the young participants with different colors, the colors of flags and other innovative ideas in order to pass the message that all people are the same and are united for a better world without discriminations, xenophobia and racism.

During the afternoon, the photography group showed the other participants what they had prepared during the Youth Exchange and this session finished with the Youthpass and the Certificates by the host NGO Ceremony. All participants told goodbye to each other and they wished to meet again soon in another Erasmus+ project!

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